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Terms for subject Textile industry (866 entries)
længde af horisontal rivewolfe length of an horizontal opener
længde af horisontal rivewulf length of an horizontal opener
lamauld llama wool
lamauld alpaca fibre
lange bukser trousers
langtidsaftale Long-Term Agreement regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles
linned linen
London-Schrunk London shrinking
løst materiale flocked yarn
luffe mittens
lüster alpaca fabric
lustrering polishing
madapolam madapolamo
madapolam madapolan
madapolam madapollam
madapolam madapolam
madras muslin Madras muslin
madras-gardin Madras curtain
Madras-hud Madras skin
madrashamp Benares hemp