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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (1008 entries)
Kontorchef Head of service
kontorchef Head of Division
Kontoret for Databeskyttelse Data Protection Office
kontorfuldmægtig clerical officer
kontorist clerk
kontormedhjælper Clerical Assistant
kontormedhjælper junior clerk
kontrahent policy holder
kontrahent subscriber
kontraktansat contract staff member
kontraktansat member of the contract staff
kontraktansat contract agent
kontraktansatte til udførelse af ikke-kerneopgaver contract staff for non-core tasks
kontraktansatte til varetagelse af hjælpefunktioner contract staff for auxiliary tasks
kontrolkommission audit board
konvention om bekæmpelse af bestikkelse, der involverer tjenestemænd ved De Europæiske Fællesskaber eller i Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater Convention on the fight against corruption involving officials of the European Communities or officials of Member States of the European Union
konverterede stillinger appropriations converted into posts
konvertering af bevillinger til stillinger appropriations converted into posts
korrektionskoefficient correction coefficient
korrektionskoefficient weighting