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Terms for subject Data processing (186 entries)
kontrol supervision
krav om, at oplysninger skal være tilstrækkelige principle of data adequacy
lagring af biometriske data biometric storage
lagring af data retention of data
legitimt formål legitimate purpose
minipakke mini-packet
multimodale biometriske oplysninger multi-level biometrics
multimodale biometriske oplysninger multi-modal biometrics
nethindeanalyse retina analysis
nethindeanalyse retina recognition
nethindeanalyse retina scanning
nethindegenkendelse retina analysis
nethindegenkendelse retina recognition
nethindegenkendelse retina scanning
nethindescanning retina analysis
nethindescanning retina recognition
nethindescanning retina scanning
og-funktion AND operation
og-funktion conjunction
og-funktion intersection