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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (4585 entries)
EF-handlingsplan for dyrebeskyttelse og dyrevelfærd Community Action Plan on the Protection and Welfare of Animals
egenskab trait
egentlige andefugle Anatidae
egentlige andefugle anatids
egern squirrel
egespinder oak-feeding silk-worm
egyptisk kløver Egyptian clover
egyptisk kløver berseem
ekspression af plantegenom expression of a plant genome
ektotrof mykorrhiza ectomycorrhiza
ektotrof mykorrhiza ectotrophic mycorrhiza
elandantilope Common Eland
elefantfisk-slægten chimaeras
elefantfod devil's root
elefantfod dumpling cactus
elefantfod mescal-button
elefantfod pellote
elefantfod peyote
elefantfod peyote cactus
elefantfod sacred mushroom