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Terms for subject Trade unions (398 entries)
Fællesrepræsentationen for Arbejdsleder- og Tekniske Funktionærforeninger Danish Confederation of Managerial and Technical Staff Associations
Fagforbundet for Møbelfremstilling, Trævarer og Beslægtede Fag Furniture, Timber and Allied Trades Union
Fagforbundet Træ, Industri, Byg Union of Wood, Industrial and Building Workers
fagforening labour union
fagforening trade-union or professional association
fagforening trade-union or professional organisation
fagforening trades union
fagforening union
fagforeninger og faglige sammenslutninger trade unions and professional associations
fagkonkurrence skills competition
faglærte arbejdere Qualified Workers
faglig organisation labour union
faglig organisation trade union
faglig organisation trades union
faglig organisation union
faglig organisation professional body
fagorganisation professional body
familietillægget family allowance
farezone live working zone
farmakonom pharmacy technician