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Terms for subject International trade (1043 entries)
Codex Alimentarius-Kommissionen Codex Alimentarius Commission
Colomboplanen Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific
Colomboplanen Colombo Plan
dækhår kemp
dårligt lån bad debt
dårligt lån doubtful debt
de enkelte medlemmers handelspolitik og fremgangsmåder individual Members' trade policies and practices
De Forenede Nationers Forhandlingskonference om en Fælles Fond UN negotiating conference on the common fund
De Forenede Nationers konference om handel og beskæftigelse United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment
De Forenede Nationers Konference om Olivenolie United Nations Conference on Olive Oil
De Forenede Nationers Sukkerkonference United Nations Sugar Conference
De Forenede Nationers Tinkonference, 1980 United Nations Tin Conference, 1980
de minimis-procent the de minimis percentage
de substansdiscipliner, der foreskrives i artikel XVII the substantive disciplines prescribed in Article XVII
debriefing debriefing
degressiv skala degressive scale
dekonsolidering deconsolidation
dekonsolidering unbinding
deltagende områder constituent territories
Den Administrative Komité Committee on Administration