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Terms for subject Economy (19808 entries)
åbningstider operating hours
åbningstider operating time
abort abortion
abort på medicinsk indikation therapeutic abortion
Abruzzi Abruzzi
absolut flertal absolute majority
absolut fordel absolute advantage
absorptionskapacitet over importen import-absorbing capacity
accessoriske tjenesteydelser non-core services
ACE (II) Community action for cooperation in the field of economics in favour of Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania and Czechoslovakia
acontobeløb down payment
acontobeløb downpayment
acontobeløb initial payment
Ad hoc-gruppen af Attachéer (grænseoverskridende pengeoverførsler) Ad hoc Working Party of Attachés (cross-border credit transfers)
ad hoc-udvalg ad hoc committee
additionalitetsprincippet principle of additionality
adfærdskodeks code of conduct
adfærdskodeks for forsyningskæden Code of Best Practice in the Supply Chain
adfærdskodeks for kompensationskøb Code of Conduct on Offsets
adfærdskodeks om udarbejdelse og indberetning af data som led i proceduren i forbindelse med uforholdsmæssigt store underskud Code of best practice on the compilation and reporting of data by Member States and the provision of data by the Commission within the context of the Excessive Deficit Procedure