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Terms for subject Accounting (1558 entries)
valutaterminsforretning forward exchange transaction
valutaterminsmarked forward exchange market
varekøb purchase cost
varer under forsendelse,i konsignation eller i fremmed varetægt stock of goods in the despatch process,on consignment or held on third parties premises
varetilgodehavender til inkasso unpresented effects
varetransport (registrering) transportation of goods
varige goder durable goods
vedligeholdelse og reparation maintenance and repair
veksel bill receivable
veksel note receivable
vekselkonto letters of credit
veksler letters of credit
velfærd welfare
videnskabelige foreninger learned societies
vingårde, frugtplantager og andre træplantage,r som giver tilbagevendende produkter vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products
vins-och förlusträkning earning statement
vins-och förlusträkning income statement
vins-och förlusträkning profit and loss account
vins-och förlusträkning profit and loss statement
vins-och förlusträkning statement of financial performance