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Terms for subject Statistics (8509 entries)
national eksport domestic export
national eksport national export
national landbrugsbedrift federal farm
national långivning fra banksektoren domestic credit provided by the banking sector
national rejsestatistik national travel survey
national statistik over kriminelle handlinger national crime victimisation survey
national statistik over kriminelle handlinger national crime victimization survey
national statistik over lastvognsaktivitet og råvaretransport national truck activity and commodity survey
national statistik praksis national statistical practice
national sundhedsstatistik national health interview survey
national tabel country table
national undersøgelse national survey
nationale myndigheder national authorities
nationale standardiseringsinstitutter Member States'standards institutions
nationalt budget budget
nationalt budget central-government budget
nationalt budget national budget
nationalt forbrug domestic absorption
nationalt forbrug i pct.af BNP domestic absorption-% of GDP
nationalt indberetningssystem national reporting system