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Terms for subject Work flow (2031 entries)
nøjagtig ækvivalens exact equivalence
nøjagtighedsgrad accuracy
nøjagtighedsgrad precision ratio
nøjagtighedsgrad relevance factor
nøjagtighedsgrad relevance ratio
nomenklatur classification
nominalkatalog name catalog (USA)
nominalkatalog name catalogue
normeret emneord standard subject heading
notations åbenhed hospitality of notation
notations fleksibilitet flexibility of notation
notations gæstfrihed hospitality of notation
notationsbasis basis of notation
notationsformat format of notation
notationsformat notational format
notationslængde length of notation
notationsregister index of notations
notationssystems tegninventar character set of a notational system
notationssystemsalfabet alphabet of a notational system
notefelt note area