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Terms for subject Mathematics (3236 entries)
ikke-tilfældig fejl non-sampling error
illusorisk korrelation illusory association
IMA-proces integrated moving average process
IMA-proces IMA process
incidentielle parametre incidental parameters
indeks for koncentration index of concentration
indeks for koncentration delta-index
indeks for koncentration delta-index of Gini
indeks for koncentration δ-index
indeks for koncentration δ-index of Gini
indeks for mangfoldighed index of diversity
indeks forbindelse index of connection
indeks over Pareto alpha index
indeks over Pareto α-index
indeks over Pareto index of Pareto
indeks tiltrækning index of attraction
indenfor blokke intrablock
index index number
index index
indgangen tid first passage time