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Terms for subject Fish farming (pisciculture) (5520 entries)
ikkeoverholdelsesflag flag of non-compliance
ikkespecificeret not specified
indadbøjet spids beak point
indadbøjet spids curved point
indadbøjet spids curved-in point
indergarn inner net
indergarn lint
indfiltringsgarn bottom set gill net
indfiltringsgarn entangling net
indfiltringsgarn gillnet
indfiltringsnet bottom set gill net
indfiltringsnet entangling net
indfiltringsnet gillnet
indfrysningskapacitet freezing capacity
indgang entrance
indgang opening
indgriben i systemet for satellitsporing af fiskerfartøjer tampering with the satellite-tracking system for determining the position of fishing vessels
indhaler pennant
indhalingsmetode method of haulage
indisk fladhoved-ulk Indo-Pacific flathead