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Terms for subject Research and development (545 entries)
Gruppen vedrørende Nye Perspektiver for Luftfarten Group on new perspectives for aeronautics
Gruppen vedrørende Renere Energisystemer og Økonomisk og Effektiv Energi Group on cleaner energy systems and economic and efficient energy
Gruppen vedrørende Sundhed, Levnedsmidler og Miljøfaktoren Group on health, food and environmental factors
handlingsprogram for forskning research action programme
high-throughput-forskning high-throughput research
højfluxreaktor HFR reactor
Horisont 2020 - rammeprogrammet for forskning og innovation Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation
Horisont 2020 - rammeprogrammet for forskning og innovation Common Strategic Framework for research, innovation and technological development
Horisont 2020 - rammeprogrammet for forskning og innovation Horizon 2020
Horisont 2020 - rammeprogrammet for forskning og innovation Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
horisontalt program horizontal programme
hurtig formeringsreaktor fast-breeder reactor
hybridoma hybridoma
ikkedestruktiv analyse non-destructive analysis
immunrespons immune response
indeslutning af plasmaet confinement of plasma
indirekte FTU-aktion indirect RTD action
informationsudvekslingssystem system of exchange of information
innovationsklynge innovation cluster
Institut for Akvatiske Ressourcer National Institute of Aquatic Resources