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Terms for subject Government, administration and public services (973 entries)
BHW-boligopsparing transfers in respect of a BHW contract
bidragsår year of contribution
bistå og rådgive sine foresatte assist and tender advice to his superiors
boligopsparingskontrakt building savings contract
boligtilskud housing supplement
boligudgifter cost of accommodation
bopælsstat country of residence
borgerlige rettigheder citizens' rights
børnetillæg dependent-child allowance
børnetilskud allowance payable in respect of the child
børnetilskud dependent-child allowance
bortfald af pensionsret deprivation, in whole or in part, of pension rights
bortgang fra stilling - BT relinquishing of post
bosættelsespenge installation allowance
bosættelsespenge efter fratræden resettlement allowance (on termination ofservice)
bosiddende tjenestemand official who is or has been a national of the State in whose territory the place where he/she is employed is situated
brud på sine tjenestepligter failure to carry out one's official duties
brud på tjenestepligterne failure to carry out one's official duties
centraludvalg Central Committee
certificeringsordning certification mechanism