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Terms for subject International trade (1043 entries)
aftale om tekniske handelshindringer Agreement on technical barriers to trade
aftale om tekniske handelshindringer GATT TBT Code
aftale om tekniske handelshindringer WTO-TBT Agreement
aftale om undgåelse af dobbeltbeskatning agreement on the avoidance of double taxation
aftalememorandum vedrørende underretning, rådslagning, bilæggelse af tvister og overvågning Understanding regarding Notification, Consultation, Dispute Settlement and Surveillance
aftaleparter parties to the agreement
aftaler om integration af arbejdsmarkeder Labour Markets Integration Agreements
afvejet indikationspris composite indicator price
afvejet indikationsprisinterval composite indicator price range
afvejet prisinterval composite price range
afvigelser, som normalt må påregnes i forbindelse med styrtgodsladninger differences incidental to bulk loading
Agenturet for International Handelsinformation og Internationalt Handelssamarbejde Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation
aggregeret mål for støtte Aggregate Measure of Support (AMS)
aggregering grouping
almindelig jomfruolie semi-fine virgin olive oil
almindelig jomfruolie virgin olive oil ordinary
almindelig mestbegunstigelse general most-favoured-nation treatment
almindelig mestbegunstigelsesbehandling general most-favoured-nation treatment
almindelig told ordinary customs duty
alvorlige betalingsbalanceproblemer og udefra kommende finansielle vanskeligheder serious balance-of-payments and external financial difficulties