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Terms for subject Religion (36496 entries)
"мене, мене, текел, упарсин" mene, mene, tekel, upharsin grafle­onov
"меч Аллаха" Sword of God
"Молитвенник нечестивых" Wicked Prayer Book (Printed in 1686, in the Epistle for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity the following passage occurs: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, idoltary... they who do such things shall inherit the kingdom of God", instead of "shall not inherit")
"наказание божье" visitation
"Национальный обет" National Covenant
"Нация ислама" Nation of Islam Andrey­ Truhac­hev
"не хочу оспаривать" nolo contendere
"Нийамасара" Niyamasara
"Общество самореализации" Self-Realization Fellowship
"Оды Соломоновы" Odes of Solomon
"опекун" невесты bride's marriage guardian parali­ngua
"Падханасутта" Padhanasutta
"Первая книга Ездры" Greek Ezra
"Песикта Кахана" Pesiqta de Rab Kahana
"Песикта раббати" Pesiqta rabbati
"Победа" Fat-h
"Победа" Victory
"Поражающее" Calamity
"Послание к Галатам" Epistle to the Galatians
"Послание к Евреям" Epistle to the Hebrews