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Terms for subject Abbreviation (5679 entries)
санинструктор medical instructor
Санитарно-эпидемическая программа в тюрьмах PSP Дюнан
СанПИН Sanitary Rules and Regulations Ker-on­line
санпропускник bathing and debusing establishment
санпропускник delousing center
санпропускник sanitary inspection station
санпропускник delousing center Gruzov­ik
санпропускник sanitary inspection station Gruzov­ik
санпропускник medical checkpoint Gruzov­ik
санпропускник field cleansing and disinfestation center Gruzov­ik
сантехник sanitary engineer Gruzov­ik
санузел rest room
санузел rest room Gruzov­ik
санчасть medical unit Gruzov­ik
САР SAD shergi­lov
САР automatic control system of the regulator type
САР automatic control system of the regulatory type
САРП arpa
САРПП flight data recorder system Ker-on­line
САРПП logger of flight parameters Ker-on­line