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Terms for subject Abbreviation (5679 entries)
ГС ГА State Authority of Civil Aviation lyuira
ГСП – городская служебная почта official municipal post Victor­ian
ГСПГ HSPG shergi­lov
ГТО Ready for labor and defense (inscription on physical fitness badge) Gruzov­ik
ГТП WF shergi­lov
ГУ МВД России по Московской области Russian MIA General Administration for the Moscow Region polino­chkin
губком provincial committee Gruzov­ik
губполитпросвет provincial department of political education Gruzov­ik
губполитпросвет provincial political and educational department Gruzov­ik
гудронированное шоссе tarmac
гужрабсила tractive force
гужрабсила tractive force Gruzov­ik
ГУЗ SHCI shergi­lov
ГУИН Main Directorate for Reformatory Justice petrak­off
ГУИН Chief Directorate for Punishment Implementation petrak­off
ГУИН Head Department of the Penitentiary petrak­off
ГУП SUE shergi­lov
гуппи Эндлера Endler's Livebearer Catcra­cking
ГЦКП face-centered central composite design Min$dr­aV