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Terms for subject Rhetoric (5000 entries)
без обиняков blunt Alex_O­deychuk
без обхода острых углов blunt Alex_O­deychuk
без особого шума to little fanfare Alex_O­deychuk
без особой помощи without much help Alex_O­deychuk
без особой шумихи to little fanfare Alex_O­deychuk
без особых мозгов brain-dead Alex_O­deychuk
без особых перспектив with no meaningful prospects Alex_O­deychuk
без особых последствий without much in the way of consequences Alex_O­deychuk
без особых проблем without much hassle Alex_O­deychuk
без особых усилий without extensive effort Alex_O­deychuk
без особых усилий seamlessly Alex_O­deychuk
без особых усилий without much effort Alex_O­deychuk
без получения окончательного "добро" without a final say so Alex_O­deychuk
без прикрас down and dirty with Alex_O­deychuk
без приложения дополнительных усилий seamlessly Alex_O­deychuk
без проблем at the touch of a button Alex_O­deychuk
без проблем with no hassle Alex_O­deychuk
без проблем without any problem Alex_O­deychuk
без проблем without friction Alex_O­deychuk
без проблем without any friction Alex_O­deychuk