
Terms for subject Wrestling (1148 entries)
异名踝摔 cross-leg pull
异名踝抱抓 cross-ankle pick
异名腿 opposite leg
异名臂 opposite arm
异侧脚 contralateral foot
搂裆 crotch hold
逃脱 free oneself from a hold
逃避抓捏 evasion from hold
逃避抓握 avoid a hold
逃避抓握 evade a hold
逃避抓握 evasion from a hold
逃避抓握 flee from a hold
逃出边线 mat escape
处于危险状态 in jeopardy
分级得分 classification points
圆圈摔跤 ring wrestling
将对手摔倒在地 throw the opponent to the ground
将对手肩膀触垫 exposure
合法 O.K.!