
Terms for subject Idiomatic (223 entries)
不要白费口舌 save (one's) breath to cool (one's) porridge
不管甘苦难易 over rough and smooth
不发生作用的 like water off a duck's back
with a grain of salt
明白事理 know a thing or two
小心处理 tread warily
踏着…的足迹 in the wake of
成功的一半 half the battle
少量 a taste of
引起人们注意 come into the picture
引起人们注意 enter into the picture
刚好来得及 at the eleventh hour
刚要完的时候 at the eleventh hour
猛烈地 up hill and down dale
丝毫不差 to the turn of a hair
丝毫不差地 to the turn of a hair
思考时的精神状态 thinking cap
漠不关心 like water off a duck's back
模棱两可 betwixt and between
两全其美 the best of both worlds