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Terms for subject Ceramics (152 entries)
手工艺品 artifact
嵌入 inlay
前景 foreground
青花瓷 blue and white porcelain
青瓷 celadon
浙江是中国青瓷的重要产地之一 Zhejiang is one of the important producing areas of Chinese celadon
牙瓷料 dental porcelain
你怎么清洁瓷砖? How do you clean ceramic tiles?
除铁 deiron
硬瓷 hard porcelain
马略尔卡陶器通常有五种颜色:钴蓝、锑黄、铁红、锑铁、铜绿和锰紫色 Majolica is usually restricted to five colors: cobalt blue, antimony yellow, iron red, copper green, and manganese purple
马略尔卡陶器〔16世纪意大利产的装饰用陶器〕,马略尔卡陶器的现代仿制品 majolica
潮湿的 humid
坯检 body inspection
软体的 soft-bodied
软瓷 soft porcelain
印花 stamp
色情作品 erotica