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Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations (51678 entries)
乘积 product
塘堰 pond
存弃渣场规划 planning and layout for stockpile and spoil area
存弃渣场规划图 Layout of stockpile and spoil areas
存在重大工程地质问题部位的水文地质及工程地质平面图剖面图 Plan (Profile) of hydrogeology and engineering geology of areas with major geological problems
存水湾 waterlock
存放老化 shelf ageing
存储 storage
存储分配 storage allocation
存储区 storage area
存储器 store
存储容量 storage capacity
存储容量 memory capacity
托马数 Thoma number
托辊 roller
托架 chair
托架 tray
托拉斯 trust
托盘运输 palletized transport