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Terms for subject Handball (379 entries)
两分钟小罚 two minutes' suspension
两次启动假动作 double starting feint
两次起动假动作 double starting feint
两次身体假动作 double body feint
两次运球 double dribble
两次触球 double touch
两半场的决胜期 two extra halves
两手往返接球 transfer of the ball from one hand to the other
两人传球 double pass
两人往返传球 double pass
大力发球 power serve
紧逼人盯人防守 pressing man-for-man defense
紧逼人盯人防守 pressing man-for-man defence
踩线犯规 foot fault
横梁 crossbar
本方球门线 own goal line
中场裁判员 court referee
中场裁判员 centre referee
中卫 centre half-back