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Terms for subject Heavy equipment vehicles (1233 entries)
指导目的 instructional objective
标准化-个性化 standardization-individualization
标准负荷 standard loading
三周期划分 triple periodization
三周期年度计划 tri-cycle annual plan
三从一大训练原则 principle of training under difficult, strict, real competition settings and big load
三角对抗赛 triangular meet
按摩与恢复 massage and recovery
有氧阈 aerobic threshold
有氧阈训练 aerobic threshold training
有氧-无氧过渡 aerobic -anaerobic transition
有氧能力和有氧耐力训练 aerobic capacity and endurance training
有效控制原则 principle of effective control
有组织的队形 organized formation
有角的 angular
选才科学方法 scientific method of talent identification
选材指标体系 system of athlete identification index
选材的自然方法 natural method of talent identification
上下跳动 jump up and down
上举技术 lifting techniques