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Terms for subject Metallurgy (192245 entries)
装运塔 dispatching tower
装运箱 tote box
装运点 load point
装运边脚废料的铁路车皮 scrap car
装运边角废料的铁路车皮 scrap car
装运设施 load-out facilities
装运系统 load <->
装运矿槽 load-out bin
装棒量 rod charge
装法兰盘 flanging
装进 fitting in
装铠机 armouring machine
装满 filling
装满 filling up
装满程度 degree of admission
装满程度 degree of packing
装满… laden with...
装矿码头 ore loading berth
装矿漏斗 feeder pot
装矿石 charge of ore