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Terms for subject Knitted goods (393 entries)
地毯的簇数和毛圈 tufts and loops of carpets
地毯厚度 thickness of carpet
地毯背衬 carpet backing
地毯经纱 carpet warp
脱乙酰醋酸纤维素 deacetylated acetate
防绉性 crease resistance
露水沤麻 dew-retting of linen
弹性织物 elastic fabric
尺寸 sizing of fabric
机织织物 woven fabric
落麻 noil
阿克斯明斯特地毯 Axminster carpet
浆纱机丝线 slasher (of warp)
蝉翼纱 organdie
蝉翼纱 organdy
半细毛 medium wool
手纺车 spinning-wheel
手织机织造 hand-loom weaving
手工浸渍 hand retting
手工纺织织物 homespun fabric