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Terms for subject Aviation (106861 entries)
理想气体温标 ideal-gas temperature scale
理想气体状态方程 ideal-gas equation of state
理想气体混合物 mixtures of ideal gas
理想气体混合物 ideal-gas mixture
理想电解质 perfect dielectric
理想轨迹 desired track
理想的交付日期 preferred delivery date
理想的设置 desirable set
理想辐射 perfect radiation
理想设备加工效率 ideal machining efficiency of equipment
理想铃中的阻力 profile drag
理想距离 theoretical distance
理想零件生产产出率 ideal part production throughput
理想零件加工率 ideal part machining rate
理想零件加工产出率 ideal part machining throughput
缆塔 umbilical tower
缆拖空投 cable-drag drop
脆弱性分析与援助计划 vulnerability analysis and assistance program
脆弱性因素 vulnerability factor