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Terms for subject Watchmaking (94 entries)
宝玑 Breguet
宝玑已经收到了八位数的报价,但仍拒绝出售 Breguet has received offers in the eight digit range, but still refuse to sell
宝珀 Blancpain
宝铂创立于1735年,是少数能在复杂机芯上创制复杂功能的腕表品牌 Founded in 1735, Blancpain is one of the very few watch makers that can create complications on complications
没人能拥有百达翡丽,只不过是为下一代保管而已 You never actually own a Patek Philippe; you merely look after it for the next generation
股市价格一直停滞不动,现在又在上涨了 Prices on the stock market, which have been static, are now rising again
润色,装饰 lace
动态扫描 dynamic scan
斯沃琪集团拥有欧米茄、宝玑和浪琴等高端腕表品牌 The Swatch Group AG owns several high-end watch brands including Omega, Breguet and Longines
劳力士 Rolex
容器,箱,盒,套,罩 case
观念模式,思维倾向 mindset
雅典 Ulysse Nardin
每个项目至少包含两项配置:调试配置和发布配置 Each project contains at least two configurations a debug configuration and a retail or release configuration
金属的 metallic
金属的经久耐用 The metal one is durable
黑色亚光的表壳点缀以亮绿色,外加金属表盘,组合在一起让外观充满未来主义的元素 The matte black case is laced with glowing green accent and a metallic plate which all work together to yield a futuristic look
他用铜、不锈钢和银制造装饰性器皿 He makes decorative vessels in copper, stainless steel and silver
高昂的价格主要源于制造手柄与螺丝的稀有昂贵材料,这些都是铂金的 The inflated price tag is due to rare and expensive materials used for the handle and screws, all made of platinum