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Terms for subject Wrestling (1148 entries)
圈臂反抱肩颈过桥摔 sit-back with reverse headlock and bar arm-lock
圈臂反抱肩颈过桥摔 sit-back with reverse headlock and arm-bar
三点着地 three points contact
按分数决胜 decide on points
按倒 pinfall
按消极逃避评定胜负 decision on passiveness
有! Tomber!
选择跪撑姿势 choice of ground holds position
上锁臂 over hook
上面的摔跤手 top man
上把 top hold
下面的摔跤手 underman
下面运动员 under man
下把 low hold
下注 place
同名腿 corresponding leg
同名腿 leg of the same name
同名臂 corresponding arm
同名臂 arm of the same name