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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
恶心 nausea
恶心 sickness
恶心的 nauseated
恶心的 sick
恶棍 devil
扶持发展体育竞赛表演业和体育用品产业 Support and develop the athletic competition performance industry and sports goods manufacturing industry
扶手法 handrail
扶杖 cane
扶助行走 assisted ambulation
捶丸 chuiwan
捶丸 driving wooden balls into holes
捶丸 wooden ball
捶丸类似高尔夫球中国古代体育 driving wooden balls into holes
捶击法按摩术 knocking
捶击法 knocking
晶体渗透压 crystalloid osmotic pressure
晶状体 crystalline body
晶状体 lens
桶状胸 barrel breast