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Terms for subject Cooking (146 entries)
陈醋 mature vinegar
草食性鱼类 herbivorous fish
你得到一份很丰盛的早餐——煎饼、香肠和鸡蛋 You got a hearty breakfast of pancakes, sausage and eggs
你喜欢吃螃蟹吗? Do you like crabs?
酥糖 crunchy candy
全麦面粉 whole meal flour
八角茴香 star anise
硬骨鱼,多骨[刺]鱼,海鲢 bony fish
酱油 soy sauce
味精 monosodium glutamate
蝶鱼 plaice
海鲷 sea bream
她房前有几颗向日葵 There are some sunflowers in front of her house
她卖给了我几只活龙虾 She sold me a couple of live lobsters
她往嘴里丢了块薄荷糖 She popped a mint into her mouth
养殖鱼类 cultured fish
养麦 buckwheat
虾,小虾 shrimp
广式糕点 Guangdong pastry