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Terms for subject Clothing (391 entries)
洗涤方法 washing method
渗色 color bleeding
则指身上穿的单件衣服、如大衣、上衣、套装、鞋、帽等 garment
霜白疵,起霜花 frosting
缝褶 dart
萝卜裤脚 taper bottom
洞洞鞋 crocs
传统服装 traditional costume
素色天鹅绒 solid velvet
素色天鹅绒被适合您 Solid velvet quilts suit you
蔡依林以性感露背连衣裙登场,引来粉丝尖叫 Jolin Tsai wore a sexy backless dress to the stage, and led to screaming fans
蜡染 batik
贡呢,礼服呢 Venetian
鸡心领服装衬得她的宝石项链更加闪亮 The sweetheart neckline made her stone necklace brighter
鸡心领口 sweetheart neckline
春装 spring wear
瘦身效果 slimming effect
锦棉绸 nylon-cotton fabric