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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
合法证明 legal identity
合法证件 legal certificate
合法经营资格 lawful status for operation
合法运行 legitimate operation
合法取得证据 obtain evidence lawfully
合法拘捕 lawfully arrested
圈养 rearing of livestock in pen
圈定地区 delimited areas
师范教育 normal school education
师承方式 way of apprenticeship
月平均工资 average monthly salary
月租费 monthly rental fee
月租费 monthly rental
月工资 monthly salary
谈判签订 negotiate and conclude
谈话诫勉制度 the system of persuasion and admonition
谈话诫勉制度 the practice of persuasion and admonition
三分之二以上的多数 a two-thirds majority
三分之二以上的代表 two-thirds or more of all deputies
三个代表 three represents