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Terms for subject Textile industry (163041 entries)
包装绳 packing cord
包装间 packing room
包装间 making-up room
包装系数 packing coefficient
包装图案 packing design
包金属纤维 metallized fiber
包金的 gold washed
包角大提花手帕 bound corner satin stripes jacquard handkerchief
包绕纱 cover spun yarn
包绕纺纱工艺 cover spun process
包裙 wrapped skirt
包连式开衩 continuous bound placket
包连式开衩 continuous lap
包租业务 charter service
包租火车 charterer train
包租运费 charter of freight
包租运输 chartering transportation
包跟 covered heel
包泡 blister
包口接缝 run and fell seam