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Terms for subject Commerce (26244 entries)
匆忙做 hurry
韩国 货币单位 won
堆栈 shed
堆装费 stowage charges
堆积 pack
将一次性付清的技术费或工艺费作为资本处理 capitalize the lump-sum payment or cost of technology
将外币兑换为本国货币 commute foreign currency to domestic
将…记入借方 debit
将货物办理保险 effect insurance on the cargo
将货物装入船舱 stow cargo in the hold
将货提交海关查验 submit goods to customs authorities
将来有效的 executory
将公司预备基金移作资本 capitalize the company's reserve funds
将数量减至二百五十公吨 decrease the quantity to 250 M/T
将年金折合为一总额一次付清 commute an annuity into a lump sum
将要成为 would be
将予通知 will advice
将争议提交仲裁 submit a dispute for arbitration
将产权售出同时长期租用该产业 leaseback