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Terms for subject Furniture (105 entries)
和式家具 Yamato furniture
和式家具和中国明式家具一样,是东方传统家具的瑰宝 Yamato furniture and Ming furniture are both the gem of orient tradition
殖民种植风格家具 colonial plantation furniture
粘合 bind
实木家具 solid wood furniture
加工,处理 dress
客厅家具 lounge furniture
红木 mahogany
纤维板 fibreboard
冯特纳爱德,方塔纳 FontanaArte
新古典主义的 neoclassical
莱克星顿 Lexington
梳妆台 dressing table
梳妆台上摆满了梳子、香水瓶和照片 The dressing table was crammed with combs, perfume bottles and photographs
德里亚德 Driade
人造木 imitation wood
人造板 artificial board
玻璃陈设柜 glass cabinet
玻璃钢 FRP