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Terms for subject Environment (6774 entries)
astronautika astronautics (The science of space flight)
astronomie astronomy (The science concerned with celestial bodies and the observation and interpretation of the radiation received in the vicinity of the earth from the component parts of the universe)
atlas atlas (A bound collection of maps or charts, plates, engravings or tables illustrating any subject)
atlas rostlin flora (A work systematically describing the flora of a particular region, listed by species and considered as a whole; document)
atmosféra atmosphere (The gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth in a several kilometers-thick layer)
atmosférické emise air emission
atmosférické emise atmospheric emission
atrazin atrazine (Herbicide belonging to the triazine group, widely employed and particularly in maize crops. It is highly toxic for phytoplancton and freshwater algae and, being highly soluble in water, it easily contaminates aquifers)
audit audit (The periodic or continuous verification of the accounts, assets and liabilities of a company or other organization, often to confirm compliance with legal and professional standards)
audit ekologický environmental statement (eco-audit, Assessment made by a company or organization of the financial benefits and disadvantages to be derived from adopting a more environmentally sound policy)
audit environmentální environmental auditing (An assessment of the nature and extent of any harm or detriment, or any possible harm or detriment, that may be inflicted on any aspect of the environment by any activity process, development programme, or any product, chemical, or waste substance. Audits may be designed to: verify or otherwise comply with environmental requirements; evaluate the effectiveness of existing environmental management systems; assess risks generally; or assist in planning for future improvements in environment protection and pollution control)
auto nákladní lorry (A large motor vehicle designed to carry heavy loads, especially one with a flat platform)
autobus bus (A large, long-bodied motor vehicle equipped with seating for passengers, usually operating as part of a scheduled service)
autoekologie autoecology (That part of ecology which deals with individual species and their reactions to environmental factors)
automobil osobní car (A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for land transport, usually propelled by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine)
automobil soukromý private car (Transportation mean belonging to an individual person)
autovrak scrap vehicle (Car which is delivered for breaking up or otherwise discarded)
azbest asbestos (Generic name for a group of fibrous mineral silicates. It includes blue asbestos (crocidolite), white asbestos (chrysotile) and brown asbestos (amosite). After they are mined the asbestos fibres are separated from the rock and are spun into a cloth. When inhaled the fibres penetrate the lungs and the tissues of the bronchial tubes, resulting in asbestosis, a crippling lung disease. Asbestos also causes cancer of the lung and the gastro-intestinal tract, and mesothelioma, a malignant cancer of the inner lining of the chest. However, because it is a poor conductor of electricity and highly resistant to heat it has been widely used over the years in fire-fighting suits, and building and insulating materials. The fibrous form of several silicate minerals, at one time widely used for electrical and thermal insulation; the use of all forms of asbestos is now either banned or strictly controlled in many countries since it causes cancer)
azbest rozprašovaný sprayed asbestos (Asbestos emitted into the atmosphere in a spraying operation)
azbestocement asbestos cement (A hardened mixture of asbestos fibers, Portland cement and water used in relatively thin slabs for shingles, wallboard and siding)