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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
stanowisko archeologiczne archaeological site (Any location containing significant relics and artifacts of past culture)
stanowisko w sprawie Zasad Leśnych Declaration of Forest Principles
stanowisko w sprawie Zasad Leśnych Rio Declaration on Forest Principles
stanowisko w sprawie Zasad Leśnych Rio Forest Principles
stanowisko w sprawie Zasad Leśnych Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forests
stare składowisko odpadów old landfill site (Landfill that has been filled and covered with topsoil and seeded. The most common end use for landfills is open spaces with no active recreation taking place over the completed landfill. The obvious reason for this use is that the completed surface is steeply sloped to provide rapid runoff. Also, no irrigation of the cover grasses should be allowed. It is very unlikely to think that commercial or industrial buildings will be constructed on a completed landfill. If the end use is such that the public will be walking on the site, it is important that all manholes be properly secured, leachate lagoons fenced, and other potential hazards eliminated)
statek ship
statek do usuwania rozlewów ropy naftowej oil recovery vessel (Boats used for recovering oil spilled at sea from oil tankers. The recommended procedure is to contain and physically recover the spill with or without the use of adsorbents. This approach entails three processes: 1. confinement of the spill by spill booms; 2. recovery of the spill by sorbing agents; 3. physical removal of the contained oil by oil pick-up devices)
statek powietrzny aircraft (Any structure, machine, or contrivance, especially a vehicle, designed to be supported by the air, either by the dynamic action of the air upon the surfaces of the structure or object or by its own buoyancy)
status kobiety woman's status (The social position, rank or relative importance of women in society)
status prawny przedsiebiorstwa legal form of organisations (The type, structure or purpose of an institution as arranged, required and defined by local or national laws to determine the appropriate governmental regulations, privileges and tax status applicable to that institution)
statut statutory text
statutowy organ publiczny statutory public body (An association, supported in whole or part by public funding, that is established to operate programs for the public, often with little interference from government in day-to-day business)
statystyka statistics (A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data)
statystyka odpadów waste statistics (Determination of the quantity and character of the wastes discarded by a community, by spot sampling procedure)
statystyka populacji dzikich zwierząt wildlife population statistics (The numerical facts or data collected through various methodologies, such as sighting surveys, which represent or estimate the size of any wildlife species for purposes such as analyzing population trends)
statystyka produkcji przemysłowej industrial production statistics (No definition needed)
statystyka regionalna regional statistics (No definition needed)
statystyka ścieków waste water statistics (No definition needed)
statystyka środowiska environmental statistics (No definition needed)