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Terms for subject Environment (7476 entries)
paliwo alternatywne back-up fuel
paliwo do silników dielsowskich diesel fuel (Heavy oil residue used as fuel for certain types of diesel engines)
paliwo jądrowe nuclear fuel (Nuclear fuels are obtained from inorganic minerals extracted by mining. Although they are at least partially consumed when used in nuclear reactors for the production of heat, they differ from fossil fuels in the way they release energy. Burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, is a chemical reaction. Nuclear fuels, such as uranium, are destroyed by a process of spontaneous disintegration, called fission, and prompted by natural radioactivity. If the process is left to occur naturally in uranium-bearing rock, the rate of change is imperceptibly small. In a man-made nuclear reactor the energy-releasing processes of disintegration, which in the natural state happen slowly over thousands of millions of years, are compressed into minutes. The release of energy is harnessed to generate steam which drives electricity generators)
paliwo otrzymywane z ropy naftowej fuel oil (A liquid product burned to generate heat, exclusive of oils with a flash point below 38°C; includes heating oils, stove oils, furnace oils, bunker fuel oils)
paliwo silnikowe motor fuel (Any gaseous or liquid flammable fuel that burns in an internal combustion engine)
paliwo z odpadów komunalnych refuse derived fuel (Fuel produced from domestic refuse, after glass and metals have been removed from it, by compressing it to form briquettes used to fuel boilers)
palność combustibility
paloeklimatologia palaeoclimatology
państwo zasięgu range state
Państwowa Rada Ochrony Środowiska State Council of Environmental Protection
państwowy rezerwat biologiczny state biological reserve (An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance)
państwowy rezerwat wędkarski national fishing reserve (Limited portion of a water body belonging to the State where angling is allowed)
papier paper (Felted or matted sheets of cellulose fibers, formed on a fine-wire screen from a dilute water suspension, and bonded together as the water is removed and the sheet is dried)
papier i tektura paper and cardboard
papier nadający się do ponownego przetworzenia recycled paper (Paper that has been separated from the solid waste stream for utilization as a raw material in the manufacture of a new product. Not all paper in the waste stream is recyclable. It may be heavily contaminated or otherwise unusable)
papiery odpadowe waste paper (Newspapers, magazines, cartons and other paper separated from solid waste for the purpose of recycling)
paproć fern
parachemikalia speciality chemical
parametr parameter (1. A quantity in an equation which must be specified beside the independent variables to obtain the solution for the dependent variables. 2. A quantity which is constant under a given set of conditions, but may be different under other conditions)
parametr całkowity total parameter (The sum of parameters that must be taken into account when assessing water quality - organoleptic factors, physico-chemical factors, toxic substances, microbiological parameters)