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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
warstwy atmosfery atmospheric layering (Any one of a number of strata or layers of the earth's atmosphere; temperature distribution is the most common criterion used for denoting the various shell. Also known as atmospheric shell; atmospheric region)
warsztat naprawczy repair business (Any commercial activity, position or site that involves work in restoring or fixing some material thing or structure, such as by replacing parts or putting together something torn, broken or detached)
wartość dóbr i usług rolnych agronomic value (The monetary or material worth at which buyers and sellers agree to do business for agricultural goods and services)
wartość graniczna limit value (A workplace exposure criterion or standard that determines if a facility or building has a concentration of a substance to which most workers can be exposed without harmful or adverse effects)
wartość istnienia contingent value
wartość istnienia existence value
wartość istnienia passive-use value
wartość korzystania biernego contingent value
wartość korzystania biernego existence value
wartość korzystania biernego passive-use value
wartość odżywcza żywności nutritive value of food (The measure of the quantity or availability of nutrients found in materials ingested and utilized by humans or animals as a source of nutrition and energy)
wartość przyrodnicza natural value
warunki beztlenowe anaerobic condition (A mode of life carried on in the absence of molecular oxygen)
warunki fizyczne physical conditions
warunki glebowe soil condition (Description of the character of the surface of the ground at the time of observation, especially in relation to the influence of rain and snow)
warunki in-situ in-situ conditio
warunki ograniczone contained conditions
warunki początkowe baseline condition
warunki pracy working condition (All existing circumstances affecting labor in the workplace, including job hours, physical aspects, legal rights and responsibilities)
warunki społeczne social condition (An existing circumstance, situation or state affecting the life, welfare and relations of human beings in community)