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Terms for subject Environment (7578 entries)
obce rodzimej faunie gatunki ptaków wodnych non-native waterbird species
obciążenie krytyczne critical load (The maximum load that a given system can tolerate before failing)
obcinanie płetw rekinom shark finning
obcinanie płetw rekinom finning
obfitość ekologiczna ecological abundance (Number of individual specimens of an animal or plant seen over a certain period of time in a certain place)
obieg węgla carbon cycle (The cycle of carbon in the biosphere, in which plants convert carbon dioxide to organic compounds that are consumed by plants and animals, and the carbon is returned to the biosphere in inorganic form by processes of respiration and decay)
obiekt ekologiczny environmental target (Environmental elements of recognized importance which can be modified by the completion of a project)
obiekt energetycznego spalania combustion plant
obiekt i obszar prawnie chroniony classified site (Site which is declared protected because of its natural, landscape, artistic or archeological features in order to guarantee its conservation, maintenance and restoration)
obiekt i obszar zarejestrowany registered site (Area which is officially registered because of its unique features; a description is provided concerning its location, size, latitude, longitude, orientation, elevation, boundaries, wildlife, hydrological and soil characteristics, etc.)
obiekt jądrowego cyklu paliwowego fuel cycle facility
obiekt jądrowego cyklu paliwowego nuclear fuel cycle facility
obiekt światowego dziedzictwa world heritage site (Sites of great cultural significance and geographic areas of outstanding universal value. They include the Pyramids of Egypt, the Grand Canyon of United States, the Taj Mahal of India, the Great Wall of China, etc.)
obiekt unieszkodliwiania odpadów waste facility
obiekt zabytkowy historical site (Place where significant historical events occurred and which is important to an indigenous culture or a community)
obiekty publiczne public works (Structures, as roads, dams, or post offices, paid for by government funds for public use)
objawy kliniczne clinical symptom (Any objective evidence of disease or of a patient's condition founded on clinical observation)
obliczanie calculation
obliczanie brutto-netto gross-net accounting
obliczanie dyspersji zanieczyszczeń dispersion calculation (The calculation of pollutant dispersion is based on the use of air dispersion models that mathematically simulate atmospheric conditions and behaviour. Dispersion models can provide concentration or deposition estimates and can be used to evaluate both existing and hypothetical emissions scenarios)