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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
las iglasty coniferous wood
las iglasty coniferous forest (A forest type characterized by cone-bearing, needle-leaved trees. They are generally, but not necessarily, evergreen and relatively shallow-rooted. Since they grow more rapidly than most broad-leaved trees, conifers are extensively planted as a source of softwood timber and pulp. They are tolerant of wide-ranging climatic conditions, of many different types of soil and of considerable differences in terrain. Thus, they are found from the polar latitudes to the tropics, on most types of soils (especially, thin acid soils) and from mountain summits to coastal environments)
las liściasty deciduous forest (The temperate forests comprised of trees that seasonally shed their leaves, located in the east of the USA, in Western Europe from the Alps to Scandinavia, and in the eastern Asia. The hardwood of these forests have been exploited since the 16th century. The trees of deciduous forests usually produce nuts and winged seeds)
las naturalny indigenous forest (Forests which are native to a given area)
las naturalny natural forest (A forest area that has developed free from the influence of humans and remains largely unaffected by their activities. The natural forest may include, but is not necessarily equivalent to, an old-growth forest)
las państwowy state forest (Forest owned and managed by the State)
las pierwotny primary forest
las prywatny private forest (No definition needed)
las rębny timber forest (Forest whose trees are all in the adult stage and have reached the reproductive period)
las śródziemnomorski Mediterranean forest (Type of forest found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly xerophilous evergreen trees)
las tropikalny tropical forest (A vegetation class consisting of tall, close-growing trees, their columnar trunks more or less unbranched in the lower two-thirds, and forming a spreading and frequently flat crown; occurs in areas of high temperature and high rainfall)
łasicowate mustelid
lasy deszczowe rain forest (A forest of broad-leaved, mainly evergreen, trees found in continually moist climates in the tropics, subtropics, and some parts of the temperate zones)
lasy liściaste deciduous wood
lasy mieszane mixed woodland
lasy strefy umiarkowanej temperate forest (Mixed forest of conifers and broad-leaf deciduous trees, or mixed conifer and broad-leaf evergreen trees, or entirely broad-leaf deciduous, or entirely broad-leaf evergreen trees, found in temperate regions across the world; characterized by high rainfall, warm summers, cold winters occasionally subzero, seasonality; typically with dense canopies, understorey saplings and tall shrubs, large animals, carnivores dominant, very rich in bird species)
lawina avalanche
lawina śnieżna snowslide (An avalanche of relatively pure snow; some rock and earth material may also be carried downward)
łaźnia publiczna public bath (A place having baths for public use)
lecznictwo medicine