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Terms for subject Environment (6936 entries)
gatunki ptaków bird species (Any species of the warm-blooded vertebrates which make up the class Aves)
gatunki roslin plant species (Species belonging to the plant kingdom)
gatunki wędrowne migratory species
gatunki zwierząt animal species (Species belonging to the animal kingdom)
gaz gas (A substance that continues to occupy in a continuous manner the whole of the space in which it is placed, however large or small this place is mad, the temperature remaining constant)
gaz gnilny z osadów ściekowych sewage sludge gas
gaz niskokaloryczny low calorific gas
gaz składowiskowy landfill gas
gaz spalinowy exhaust gas
gaz wydechowy exhaust gas
gaz wylotowy exhaust gas
gaz wysypiskowy landfill gas
gaz zerowy zero gas
gaz ziemny natural gas (A natural fuel containing methane and hydrocarbons that occurs in certain geologic formations)
gazociąg gas pipeline (A long pipe, especially underground, used to transport gas over long distances)
gazohol gasohol (A mixture of 80% or 90% petrol with 20% or 10% ethyl alcohol, for use as a fuel in internal combustion engines)
gazowe zanieczyszczenia powietrza gaseous air pollutant (Uncondensed or volatile gases, usually comprised of chemical compounds, discharged to the atmosphere)
gazownia gaswork
gazownia gas company
gazy odpadowe waste gas (Any unusable aeriform fluid, or suspension of fine particles in air, given off by a manufacturing process or the burning of a substance in a enclosed area)