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Terms for subject Idiomatic (43 entries)
is tighe fuil na bùrn blood is thicker than water Yerkwa­ntai
leig mu sgaoil e let the cat out of the bag Yerkwa­ntai
leig seachad cease Yerkwa­ntai
leig seachad discontinue Yerkwa­ntai
leig seachad drop Yerkwa­ntai
leig seachad stop Yerkwa­ntai
leis an fhìrinn innse tell the truth Yerkwa­ntai
leugh eadar na sreathan read between the lines Yerkwa­ntai
nuair a tha an t-sradag ris an fhaoch when the shit hits the fan Yerkwa­ntai
rach a-mach air fall out with somebody Yerkwa­ntai
rach cùrsa nan slat take up the gauntlet Yerkwa­ntai
sona ri bròg happy as a clam Yerkwa­ntai
sona ri bròg happy as a lark Yerkwa­ntai
sùil airson sùla is fiacaill airson fiacla an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Yerkwa­ntai
teine-sionnachain jack o'lantern Yerkwa­ntai
tha an t-àm aig about time Yerkwa­ntai
tha an t-àm aig high time Yerkwa­ntai
thig an donas ri iomradh speak of the devil Yerkwa­ntai
uair san ràith once in a blue moon Yerkwa­ntai