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Terms for subject Phytophathology (427 entries)
fuzarioza tulpinilor de cereale stalk albinosis
gale filoxerice la viță grapevine root swellings
gomoză slime flow
gomoza gummosis of stone-fruit trees
gomoza bumbacului gummosis
gomoza bumbacului angular leaf spot disease of cotton
gomoza citrușilor brown gummosis of trunks in citrus trees
helmintosporioză helminthosporiosis
helmintosporioza cerealelor leaf-blight helminthosporiosis
helmintosporioza cerealelor kernel blight on cereals
helmintosporioza ovăzului oats leaf-blight helminthosporiosis
helmintosporioza porumbului maize helminthosporiosis
hernia cruciferelor clubroot of crucifers
hernia verzei clubroot of crucifers
hurlupi plum pocket
hurlupi taphrina
iască de stejar Polyporus rot
iască de stejar putrefaction
iască de stejar fungal
inelarea (depunerea zahărului) sfeclei ringspot disease of beet