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Terms for subject International Monetary Fund (8917 entries)
sustentabilidade fiscal fiscal sustainability
swap swap arrangement
swap de dívida debt conversion (Paris Club)
swap de dívida debt swap
swap de dívida debt-debt swap
swap de dívida bond swap
swap de juros interest rate swap
swap de moedas currency swap
swap de risco de crédito credit default swap
swap de taxa de juro overnight overnight interest rate swap
swap de taxa de juro overnight overnight index swap
swap de taxas de juro interest rate swap
Sydonia Automated System for Customs Data
Sydonia Automated System for Customs Data and Management
Sydonia Automated System for Customs Data Acquisition, Control and Management
tabela de comissões schedule of charges
tabela de comissões por saques scale of charges for drawings
tabela de correspondência bridge table
tabela de recursos e usos браз. supply and use table
tabela de salários salary scale (general)