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Terms for subject Environment (21638 entries)
recurso natural renovável renewable resource
recursos appeal (Resort to a superior court to review the decision of an inferior court or administrative agency)
recursos resource (Any component of the environment that can be utilized by an organism)
recursos resource
recursos resources
recursos animais animal resource (No definition needed)
recursos biológicos biological resource (Wild organisms harvested for subsistence, commerce, or recreation (such as fish, game, timber or furbearers); domesticated organisms raised by agriculture, aquaculture, and silviculture; and ecosystems cropped by livestock)
recursos biológicos living resources
recursos biológicos biological resource
recursos biológicos terrestres terrestrial biological resource (Any source of supply derived from plants, animals or other wildlife inhabiting land or ground, which may be used by humans for food, clothes and other necessities)
recursos biológicos terrestres terrestrial biological resource
recursos climáticos climate resource (No definition needed)
recursos climáticos climate resource
recursos climáticos climate resources
recursos colectivos community facility (Buildings, equipment and services provided for a community)
recursos coletivos community facility
recursos de água doce freshwater resource (The network of rivers, lakes, and other surface waters that supply water for food production and other essential human systems)
recursos de água doce freshwater resource
recursos de água doce freshwater resources
recursos de energia energy resources