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Terms for subject Environment (21638 entries)
mercado de ambiente environment market
mercado de detritos waste exchange
mercado de factores de produção factor market (Significant elements or reasons for an outcome in the buying, selling, and trading of particular goods or services)
mercado de fatores de produção factor market
mercado de sucatas scrap material market (The trade or traffic in discarded or leftover materials that can be reused in some way)
mercado de sucatas scrap material market
mercado de trabalho labour market
mercado do ambiente environment market
mercado do carbono carbon market
mercado energético energy market (The trade or traffic of energy sources treated as a commodity (such as fossil fuel, electricity, or solar radiation))
mercado energético energy market
mercado financeiro financial market (A place or institution in which buyers and sellers meet and trade monetary assets, including stocks, bonds, securities and money)
mercado interno europeu internal European market
mercado monetário money market (A financial market that trades Treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term financial instruments. This market is often used by businesses when they need short-term funds to bridge the gap between paying operating costs and collecting revenue from product sales. As such, the term "money" in money market indicates that businesses are using highly liquid instruments to raise the money need for operating expenses)
Mercado Único internal European market
mercadoria poluente polluting goods
mercúrio mercury (A heavy silvery-white toxic liquid metallic element occurring principally in cinnabar: used in thermometers, barometers, mercury-vapour lamps, and dental amalgams, Hg)
mercúrio mercury contamination (The presence and release into the air, water and soil of mercury, a naturally occurring heavy metal element, by both natural occurrences such as vaporization and human activities such as burning coal, mining and smelting)
mercúrio (contaminação mercury contamination
mergulhão do lago Atitlan Atitlan pied-billed grebe