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Terms for subject Mechanic engineering (21062 entries)
engate paralelogramo parallel link hitch
engate paralelogramo articulado articulated parallel link hitch
engate por soldadura forte brazing union coupling
engate rápido automatic coupling
engate rápido automatic hitch
engate rápido quick release hitch
engate rápido quick-fit
engate regulável adjustable drawbar
engate regulável adjustable hitch
engate rígido fixed drawbar
engate rígido rigid drawbar attachment
engate seguro entre veículos safe coupling together of vehicles
engate traseiro rear linkage
engate ventral mid-linkage
engenheiro da obra site engineer
engenheiro mecânico structural engineer
engolido ingested
engorduramento das velas oiling up of sparking plug
engorduramento das velas sooted of spark plug
engorduramento das velas sooting-up of sparking plug